Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Onions lettuce okra carrots and cauliflower

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So far we are in early June now and most plants have a good start. Red and yellow onions were planted long with the cauliflower,lettuce,carrots and  okra.
In the next couple rows we added nine tomato plants. Three different varieties. Cut back on theses this year as we had way too many last year and ending up feeding them to the animals in the woods. Did give lots of them away though as the harvest was very plentiful.
The potatoes were the next item to go in. Had two varieties a small red potato for boiling and a large white one for regular use. Had some go over a pound. Never hilled them per say, just added black gold (compost from the county) over them. Did it twice and it payed off .    Potatoes are to the right of the picture.                                  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yellow squash and zucchini

As you can see the plants came in very nice. There wasn't any harvest on these as the woodchucks took over this part of the garden.Actually they ate every plant there and started on the cucumbers. Had a real nice crop going.

Finally outside

The weather is warm enough and its time to be planting in the ground. The crop netting is in place and the plants are healthy. Some of the cucumbers  seen in this picture are from MPHGARDNER in Virginia. Also are peas pole beans on crop netting.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Garden Overview

Its been awhile since I've started this blog. So over a short period of time I'll go through the months of work   I put into the garden. It all started with sending for some seeds and starting them. I used the indoor greenhouse the family gave me for Christmas.