Sunday, September 30, 2012

Watermelons and Pumpkins

As another growing season comes to an end I would like to comment on a couple  different things I tried this year. Seeds were given to me by members of The Bayou Gardner Forum.

 Tobacco grew well nice small leaves but never did get tall. Ended up pulling it out and putting it out for yard waste.

 Watermelon was another story. Tried different seeds any got 3  varieties. One red round, one long yellow and one long pink . Took awhile but they came out good. 

 The pumpkins were plentiful. Actually started planting them for Oscar and just continued on. Usually send some with Sara to decorate her classroom.
 Below are some pictures to show you what I mean. Hope you enjoy them.If you go to the comments section you can subscribe to future postings.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Puppies

Well we finally did it. We picked up our new puppies right before Labor day. Sure is a bit different around the house now. Actually its not that bad, a little chewing here and there puppy fights and the usual stuff. Glad I'm retired though. Missed all this fun when I was working.Found these in Chenago Forks raised by a young family with children. Reminds me of our puppy days. Enjoy the pictures.
Meet Rosie and Rylee.