Thursday, October 31, 2013

2013 Garden Summary

Seeing its the end of October The garden has been put to bed for the winter. Its a cool damp misty day so I thought I would update  on what type of year it was. So bear with me as I try to do this with pictures. The greenhouse was great as we had many plants and we were able to give some away. Might scale back a little and do a few more flowers though.

  • Onions two varieties long day and storage type. Was pleased with the results.

Carrots tried them before but never had even one come up so tis year I did transplants. Easy way to do them good results. Most likely will try more next year depending on if I have room for them.

Peppers were good this year but late due to all the rain we had on June.Plant turned yellow from lack of oxygen but did recover. Took a lot longer than usual just picking the last two bushels on Sunday before the 1st heavy frost. Planted six varieties twelve each.  Not as sweet as before  due to the weather.Think of cutting back to half that next year, its hard to give the extras away.  Not sure what ones to cut back on. 

Pumpkins were real hard to start. Plant kept rotting in the wet ground. Had to replant several times, but well worth the effort to see the kids pick their own. Naturally they have to do their own.

The garden has been covered with leaves and compost for its winter's nap. Need to add the organic matter so we can produce better next year. Thinking of adding compost right over the leaves and use the no till method. That though is still on the table.
Garlic has been planted for the upcoming season. Had nothing last year as it all rotted. See a few volunteers popping up fro the seed though.

Yes I'm retired but my son keeps me busy. With his recent purchase of fruit trees  he has decided we need an orchard. So when time allows me and Stanley (8N) go into the wood and pull out the dead trees to make oursleves  a nice clearing. Hopefully it will be done sooner than later. Maybe while I'm at it should be a tree stand for future deer harvests. Most likely Oscar will benefit from that. Clara will be all about the apples, pears and peaches. Trees are on site, need to mulch them for the cold winter. 

I guess I have rambled on long enough. The garden was about 60% this year. Too much rain. Potatoes rotted cukes  did poorly but beans were great along with the popcorn. Its still misty outside but the girls want out. Squirrels at the feeders and we can't have that. So I guess they need to do their job and I'll put on some tea water. Chili in the crock pot and just starting to put a nice aroma in the house.Have a wonderful day all and if you want future update can subscribe by email.