Chicks we picked up at the end of May. Tiny little things but growing quickly. Have to make sure they are warm and eating and drinking. They all have names now and actually tell them apart, except the Buff Orpingtons. Might leg band them with colors when full grown.
The trench has been dug for water and electricity. Very easy digging as it was all sand. Pulled in 15 conductors so I can switch lights from the house shed and coop. Was an easy pull with the help of a good friend Fenton. Would still be out there if I was alone. Water has been installed at coop, greenhouse, and shed. Just an upright faucet at each location . Nothing fancy,just convenience for me.
Its nice and warm outside so we decided to let the girls out early. The pop door was opened last Sunday and they were coaxed out be Jenny with some scratch. I guess they are real chickens as every morning they go out and are back in the coop in the evening. Their safe place.When I'm out back working they watch me and yes I do go over and talk with them. No chicken talk regular conversation. Maybe thats why I have nothing to say at dinner. Used up all my talk with the chicks and dogs. So some time in late September or October I should start to see some eggs. Until then have to just take good care of them and watch for any signs of predators lurking around. So far so good. Take care all my friends gardeners and all you chicken people out there. Its a lot of work but keeps us young and active. Better than going to the gym and have to pay to get your workouts. Home grown workouts.