Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 2015

   Its been awhile since I last posted anything here on the garden. Been busy with the chickens and getting ready for home renovations.So I will try to sum up a few months on here now.

  The garden did well . Weeds did get the best of the onions though. Peppers tomatoes beans and squash crops did great though. Looks like I'll cut the bean crop in half this year as many went to waste, people never show up like they say they will. Easier to go to Wegmans I suppose.

  The chickens have all made it. With a sad note I did have to find my rooster a new home. He was quite good at his job of protecting his girls. I tried to keep him but he kept after me all the time while I was giving them fresh water and feed. Startles you when a full grown bird charges you at chest height. Just wouldn't learn I was his friend. Now he has a good home free ranging on Wetzel Road. Hope he doesn't give Jack any trouble. With this warm weather the girls have been egg laying machines. Sometimes I can get 10 a day from 11 hens, although the average is about 7. Seem to go out of the door faster than I can collect them.

  House has been taking up lots of my time. Hopefully by the middle of January it will be done. Yard all dug up and now its just a mud pit back there.

  I'll close with a few pictures and wish you all a great Holiday Season and hopefully we'll see you in the yard come spring. Looking to plant new varieties of flowers and vegetables in the greenhouse.

Spring vegetables starting to come into season

Some early peppers tomatoes and squash

Pepper and tomato 

The girls eating the special salad Margaret makes for them

Oscar with his favorite chicken or the one he could catch

The crew who tore off the back porch and siding

Some of the eggs the girls have given us.

New entry going up
Garden salad for the girls to give the yolk the rich color

One of the wheelbarrow loads of squash we collected