Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June 1st 2016

   Where has the time gone. Its been one hell of a winter for me. Yes tore my rotator cuff while working on the house. After the operation in January, 8 weeks in a sling and still doing physical therapy its getting better. A lot of thank you going out to my neighbors Ray and Fenton for keeping Morgan Road operating. Angels from heaven.

   The chickens had a good winter and it was good I put plastic up for them. Lots of wind in the backyard near the trees. Jason did most of the work and I did what I could with my left arm. Once again Fenton kept them fed and in fresh water, and a clean coop.

   Okay this is a garden blog so here we go.  Seedlings started late March early April and doing well. A variety of peppers as usual along with tomatoes. A few different squashes this year for the chickens. Nothing like a nice orange yolk in the eggs.

   Bob Schultz came over and tilled the garden on the hottest day of the year so far. With that done I was able to get the tomatoes in along with the usual sunflowers. Today I will plant cucumbers on the trellis. Have 28 plants ready to go. After that the summer squashes, beans and peppers. Trying something new this year on a few pepper plants to make them bush out with more fruit.

Naturally a buff has to come and check out the clean coop. Nothing like scratching it up to make it feel like home.

A black cochin who refuses to use the nest boxes to lay her eggs.

Clean roost area for the night time sleep.
Nothing like a fresh tilled garden with leaves and chicken manure from last fall decaying  over winter.