Haven't posted anything in a long time. Been a long cold winter. It seems me and Margaret just shoveled snow and kept the wood stove going. went through all the wood I brought topside from last fall. Nothing like wood heat.
Plants have been started and are in the greenhouse just waiting till end of the month. Did get the red onion sets in this morning. Getting anxious to get all the plants in the ground.
Lots going on this summer, breaking up the original patio that was here when we bought the place. Need something new to go with the house after fixing it up.
Chickens are doing great. Right now I have two that are broody. One from each flock. When they are out together free ranging I do have to break up a few fights. When the hackles go up its time for me to step in.
So stay tuned as I will try to post every couple weeks as the crops grow. Hope the following pictures give you some idea whats going on.
Had to get rid of the old patio. Spruce tree roots lifted and cracked it all up.
Free range time. I usually take some time at the end of my day sit out back with a cold Canadian and watch the hens eat from the fat of the land. Usually a few fights to break up. How we ended up with all these birds is beyond me. Margaret calls it chicken math.
Onions are in. Red ones this year. Nice slicing ones for using on the grill. Couple more weeks till everything else gets planted. Was able to get two loads of wood chips from Bartlett Tree Experts.
With these long days of light the hens have been very productive. Our daily harvest is on average of 16 eggs. Enough for our regulars customers,us and we usually give a dozen to visitors.