Saturday, December 27, 2014

December's Post

  So far Mother Nature has proven herself as unpredicable. A snow storm which has dropped a mere 24 to 30 inches of snow on us in a very short period of time. This has happened on the 10th of the month. Schools were closed and the interstate was closed to tractor trailers. But for us that live here no big deal just a slight inconvenience. The end of December we had a heat wave with temperatures hitting the high 50's for Christmas Eve. No snow green grass and some trees starting to bud.
   With the nice weather I went and spent some time on the project. Started to finish the interior walls with pallets that were free for the taking.
I guess I'm going green in my old age. I'll call my decorating theme "Early American Pallet". Time to get more pallets to finish the long walls and inside doors.

   Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas and was able to spend time with family and friends. Pieklik family had the traditional polish meal Christmas Eve meal started many years ago by our grandparents and kept up by our parents.  Pierogies being the main headliner of the meal with other side dishes. Doesn't take long to make the pierogies when you have experienced help.

   Wishing all of you a prosperous New Year and hope all is well with everyone. Have a good year.



Friday, November 14, 2014

November's Post

Good morning followers,
  Today is a very bright day with the sun shinning over a slightly white landscape. Its cold though but nice. The girls enjoyed their walk this morning with their noses to the ground with all the scents they can take in. We do have night creatures out there, digging all over.

   The garden has been covered with a layer of leaves that Margaret chops up for me every year. She is quite the wheelman on the tractor. As she dons her sunglasses and sombrero she is tractor ready.

   Just finished putting all the summer tools away. Yard has been picked up and our 16 cord of wood covered. Now we can sit back and enjoy the heat from all that wood.

   Had the grandchildren over one day so I thought I'd have Oscar give me a hand out back.  Clara was busy with Margaret with a tea party so I let Oscar use my tape measure. If you know him he always has to use it when he comes here. So out we go to the back yard to check to see if our new project is square. We were dead on the money as our diagonal measurement was the same. A little adjustment with the sledge hammer was all we needed.

   The project continues off site. Built the walls in the shed. Found out they were way to heavy for me to carry over. So now I need more help. Its a bitch getting older. So I arrange for Sara and Brian to come over and help put the walls up. Had it done in no time at all with the young blood. Walls were square and level. This is going too easy. Lots of planning has been going into this.

 Now come the roof. 6/12 pitch, lots of you tube videos. Book out learning how to use the framing square, reaching back into history for the pythagorean theorem. How will I get the ridge board up there? With the help of two tall ladders it went into place.
To my good fortune Jennifer shows up to help with Kate for the day. She wants to help on the project also. So I take a break from stacking wood and cut a few boards for her to put up as blocking. Easy with two people.  So she does the rafter supports also.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Garden Season Over

   The 2014 garden is now closed. It was a real good year and all the plants have gone past expectations. Adding all the organic matter helped. More varieties of plants that out performed themselves. Now I need to finish putting a cover of shredded leaves on and till them in to start the decay process. My main pepper crop did the best all plants boasting their colors. Corn turned out to be real good but the squirrels ate most of it. Lot of BLT'S this summer as the tomatoes came in all season long. In addition to our regular supper we had a plate of cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers sliced up nicely with Margaret's culinary skills. Beans were slow to start but ended up with a bumper crop. Had enough to eat and make dilly beans. For those of you who came and picked up some produce I hope you enjoyed it. Come back next season. I'll post a few pictures to show the garden and will close it out.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

End of month Summary

  Can you believe the summer is almost behind us? Its been a good year for the garden. What we all wait for is the colorful produce with brightens our dinner plates. This year the tomatoes have a deep red color and are juicy. Peppers are starting to turn red,yellow, orange and chocolate. Dug a few leftover potato plants up and found some huge and small potatoes under the hills. Soon I will be posting pictures  as I harvest.

  The greenhouse has been updated with a new raised floor and electrical service. The floor was just to low before and I didn't like the step down. Dug down around the perimeter and installed tin to keep varmint out from stealing the seeds. The old cold frame has been moved to the right of the house to accommodate more growing room for annual flowers. Need to add color to the landscape after our long winter of white weather.


  The Sunflowers turned out to be quite the conversation piece. Saw a car stop in the side driveway to take a photo. Neighbor tells me all his visitor's have to take a look. Watching them grow you could tell time by the way they turned their heads. Stalks are about 1 1/4 inch diameter. 



Thursday, July 31, 2014

Garden doing well

   Haven't done a post in awhile soI thought its time.All my hard work starting plants in the spring and then transplanting into the garden has proved to be fruitful. The corn did super as was very tasty but the squirrels got most of it. My late crop will have more traps set up. Peppers are getting real big so soon and it looks like a bumper crop. Think I'll make more stuffed peppers this year than cutting them up as I did in the past.Just do a few bags. All the other crops are growing well with the exception of beans. Not getting the harvest as I usually do. Had some varmint trouble at first but they grew back slowly.

   Lets get real a minute. Zucchini and yellow squash. How many plants does a person need to plant? Only did 6 each this year and I have more than I need. Its been given out to those who want it and I still end up feeding it to the critters in the backwoods. I pick it clean, we have rain and then I have an abundance which you can almost hear grow. Maybe two plant each next year. Can't even give it away.

  Well I'll end with some pictures to give you an idea what goes on here on Morgan Road.

Onions should be ready soon

Tomatoes coming in nicely

CukesAdd caption

Peppers doing well

Overall all view
Thanks to Dick and Gail Corliss for the staking cages.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Gorgeous day in Clay New York

 A splendid day for being outside. Spent most of the day weeding the garden. After the nice rain we had evert plant had its thirst taken care of by mother nature. Better than the water I can give it. Marigolds planted around the flag pole to give the front yard some color. We need color as we have six months of a cold white landscape here north of the thruway.The pictures you will see show how quickly the garden is growing. Will be picking summer squash next week. Thats early for me. garden doing well except for the resident rodents who kill a few plants now and then. Have the holes blocked off but some do climb the fence. Might just have to go electric next year. I do need to run a power and water line out there anyway.

  The firewood logs have finally been cut and split. Lots of great wood to burn this year. Just have to take a few hours and stack it on the pallets. Will be looking for some more logs this fall. Cutting them will be a winter's job.

View of the garden from the road showing beans.

Onions three types of sweet ones.

Tomatoes a variety for me and Jenny also has many types of heirloom. Sara has some plant doing well with the seeds direct from Italy. She brought them home from her last trip.

The final split of the wood. Just need to stack it up now.
Corn 1st and 2nd plantings. Cucumbers to the right growing on crop netting.
 More of the tomatoes. Almost a 100 feet of them with spacing for ease of picking. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Garden Taking Hold

  Garden has been planted completely now with the 2nd crop of corn and pumpkins. Had a nice rain the other night and made every plant look healthy. The blueberry bushes have gone in. I had to build protective cages around them though. Way too much wildlife here at night. Yes they were here first, I'm just a guest as far as they're concerned.

  The clearing out back has made a big improvement this week with five loads being trailered out of here. Thanks to my friend Wayne for the use of his trailer. Could probably do two loads a day but just not up to it. Need some young blood.

  Firewood was also cut and split and stacked. Have about a good week of work on that project.

  A few pictures to explain. After all a picture is worth a thousands words.

Blueberry cages until they get some size to them

 As you can see everything has taken hold quite nicely. Cucumbers and tomatoes are starting to flower. And the last picture is a load of to the recycle center. The little truck  ( tuna can ) is getting a work out this summer.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Planting Time

The garden is being planted over the week and into the weekend. A week early this year. so far we had a nice gentle soaking rain which saved me from watering. Hopefully the tomatoes and the last of the potatoes will go in. Looks like I need to make a extra row to accommodate a few leftover  favorites. I have extra plants if anyone has an interest.