Today is a very bright day with the sun shinning over a slightly white landscape. Its cold though but nice. The girls enjoyed their walk this morning with their noses to the ground with all the scents they can take in. We do have night creatures out there, digging all over.
The garden has been covered with a layer of leaves that Margaret chops up for me every year. She is quite the wheelman on the tractor. As she dons her sunglasses and sombrero she is tractor ready.
Just finished putting all the summer tools away. Yard has been picked up and our 16 cord of wood covered. Now we can sit back and enjoy the heat from all that wood.
Had the grandchildren over one day so I thought I'd have Oscar give me a hand out back. Clara was busy with Margaret with a tea party so I let Oscar use my tape measure. If you know him he always has to use it when he comes here. So out we go to the back yard to check to see if our new project is square. We were dead on the money as our diagonal measurement was the same. A little adjustment with the sledge hammer was all we needed.
The project continues off site. Built the walls in the shed. Found out they were way to heavy for me to carry over. So now I need more help. Its a bitch getting older. So I arrange for Sara and Brian to come over and help put the walls up. Had it done in no time at all with the young blood. Walls were square and level. This is going too easy. Lots of planning has been going into this.
Now come the roof. 6/12 pitch, lots of you tube videos. Book out learning how to use the framing square, reaching back into history for the pythagorean theorem. How will I get the ridge board up there? With the help of two tall ladders it went into place.
To my good fortune Jennifer shows up to help with Kate for the day. She wants to help on the project also. So I take a break from stacking wood and cut a few boards for her to put up as blocking. Easy with two people. So she does the rafter supports also.
We worked until dark and thats we we stand on this project. I guess its turning into a family project at that. Would also like to acknowledge Margaret for her support in this along with my neighbor Fenton for cutting and bending the tin and Michael for the panel foam to add a little insulation on those frigid winter nights. Updates to follow when we can get back out there. Happy Thanksgiving from the staff at Pepperman's Garden
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