Saturday, May 9, 2015


Been awhile since I posted. Its been a very cold and snowy winter. When I wanted to work on the coop I had to shovel around it. But Its done now with some much need help from the family. Putting on the board and battens was the easy part.

All started with Oscar helping me square the base frame off.

Built the walls off site and found out I couldn't carry them. So Brian and Sara came over to bail me out. Moved them to their location and fastened them down securely.

Once the walls were in place Jenny came over and put the middle supports in with pocket screws. Sure did stiffen the building up and a place to nail our chicken eire on.

Ridge bean and rafters went on next. Its getting cold out and the weather is not going to hold up. So Jason came over and we put a tarp over the building so I could work through the winter.

During the nice days of our cold winter I worked on the coop part itself. Finishing the interior with tar paper and then pallet wood so the girls would be draft free during the cold months. Even though it was a nice day my fingers were always splitting open from the weather. Some days it was only an hour or so. Not to mention I also had to keep the driveway open and the run for the dogs.

Next some board and battens went on and the electrical went in. Yes spring has arrived. Nest box installed and ready to roof.

Finally roofing day has come. One phone call was all it took. Family showed up and it went fast. Jim,Jason on the roof putting the plywood and tar paper on along with shingles, Erin Sara Brian joining in after it get started. For those that don't care to be on the scaffold doing the high work the nesting boxes had to have shingles also. Even Murphy had to help carry the lumber. One very productive morning.

As you can see from the last six pictures it came out well. A painted blue ceiling to a vinyl floor. Three insulated nest boxes and some nice secure windows to keep them safe at night.The eleven birds have been ordered and will be here by the end of the month. It was a great project and made me feel good to see the family jump in to help. Could have never put that roof on by myself. Age has caught up with me.  Thank you everyone for the help.

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