Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winds howls through the trees

 Tuesday night was a night of warm weather and howling winds.  Winds where in the 40 to 50 mph range The big old pine in the back had me worried a bit. So today I went into the woods to see if any damaged happened. The walking trail is covered with limbs and trees. Going to have a major clean out this summer. Going  to need some help on this one.

Monday, January 16, 2012

What a difference a day makes

A few days ago I was out splitting wood in a sweatshirt. Now Margaret and I are all bundled up walking into the woods and checking things out. The snow here came quick and stayed for a change . Had to get the snowblower out twice. I'll take you into the woods for a small walk. We found deer tracks and followed them to a tree that had berries left. The lower branches are gone. Enjoy the view.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Can you believe its 45 degrees and the sun is out, What a great day to work on the firewood pile. Put on my carhartt overalls, two sweatshirts and went to town. Just kept splitting away. This has been an unusual winter for us so far.