Friday, December 13, 2013

Orchard work halted

  We have had some real cold weather with no snow. Excellent for working in the back woods cutting up the trees that were felled. Been cutting them up into lengths that one person can handle. Some might go to the mill for some rough cut lumber. Some of the waste will be chipped and some will be hauled off in a dumpster, Trying to get two front end loaders and some help in the spring to complete the job. My work has been put on hold now as it is snowing real hard out there thanks to lake Ontario. Up in Osceola over three days 5 feet of it has covered the landscape. The pups love running through the fresh snow and it sure keeps them clean. Kate on the other hand likes to watch it out of the patio doors.

  In the following pictures you can judge for yourself if I'm making any progress. Hope you enjoy them.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Popcorn Finally

Some of the corn has dried enough to pop. This years corn was full of moisture due to so much rain. Taking much too long to dry. I should have left it on the cob hanging longer. Lots of corn though to eat while watching the basketball games this winter.