Thursday, November 3, 2016

End Of The Year

 Its that time when all good things come to an end. The garden has been covered with leaves on certain places to try the no till method next year. Other places will be tilled as usual. Must do some serious crop rotation in the 2017 garden.

  Had a good harvest tomatoes were plentiful, and great tasting. Only had 9 plants though to keep from wasting them. Chickens enjoyed all the extras. Peppers grew like crazy. Had plants loaded with fruit from bottom to top. Froze just what I needed and gave the rest away. I do go crazy with planting so many but I do need to cut back on how many I grow.I guess I like the variety of colors and all the different shapes. Beans were a bust. Never came up after two plantings. Summer squashes green and yellows as we call them are an easy plant to grow. Had plenty to eat share and feed chickens with. Five plants each and always had extras. My grandson Oscar planted some cantaloupe from seeds he saved. Had a good harvest, better than anyone I ever had.
Nothing like fresh produce everyday.

Going to be a natural in the garden.

Need to water the plants in.
One of the Three beds with leaves waiting to be flatten by the weight of nature's winter blanket.

Garlic garden has been tilled and planted. During the late summer I burned all the weeds and seeds out and then put some composted chicken manure on it . Soil is rich in dark color and very easy to work. I plants a few bulbs from seeds I harvested from the scapes .
Garlic planted before we get a good frost.

Are there more chickens in store for the Circle M Roost Never know stay tuned for more blogs over the winter.Always need more room for them to roam.

If we run out of projects this during the winter months there is always the wood pile to keep us busy. Lot easier when its cold to work wood anyway.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June 1st 2016

   Where has the time gone. Its been one hell of a winter for me. Yes tore my rotator cuff while working on the house. After the operation in January, 8 weeks in a sling and still doing physical therapy its getting better. A lot of thank you going out to my neighbors Ray and Fenton for keeping Morgan Road operating. Angels from heaven.

   The chickens had a good winter and it was good I put plastic up for them. Lots of wind in the backyard near the trees. Jason did most of the work and I did what I could with my left arm. Once again Fenton kept them fed and in fresh water, and a clean coop.

   Okay this is a garden blog so here we go.  Seedlings started late March early April and doing well. A variety of peppers as usual along with tomatoes. A few different squashes this year for the chickens. Nothing like a nice orange yolk in the eggs.

   Bob Schultz came over and tilled the garden on the hottest day of the year so far. With that done I was able to get the tomatoes in along with the usual sunflowers. Today I will plant cucumbers on the trellis. Have 28 plants ready to go. After that the summer squashes, beans and peppers. Trying something new this year on a few pepper plants to make them bush out with more fruit.

Naturally a buff has to come and check out the clean coop. Nothing like scratching it up to make it feel like home.

A black cochin who refuses to use the nest boxes to lay her eggs.

Clean roost area for the night time sleep.
Nothing like a fresh tilled garden with leaves and chicken manure from last fall decaying  over winter.