Friday, December 13, 2013

Orchard work halted

  We have had some real cold weather with no snow. Excellent for working in the back woods cutting up the trees that were felled. Been cutting them up into lengths that one person can handle. Some might go to the mill for some rough cut lumber. Some of the waste will be chipped and some will be hauled off in a dumpster, Trying to get two front end loaders and some help in the spring to complete the job. My work has been put on hold now as it is snowing real hard out there thanks to lake Ontario. Up in Osceola over three days 5 feet of it has covered the landscape. The pups love running through the fresh snow and it sure keeps them clean. Kate on the other hand likes to watch it out of the patio doors.

  In the following pictures you can judge for yourself if I'm making any progress. Hope you enjoy them.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Popcorn Finally

Some of the corn has dried enough to pop. This years corn was full of moisture due to so much rain. Taking much too long to dry. I should have left it on the cob hanging longer. Lots of corn though to eat while watching the basketball games this winter.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

2013 Garden Summary

Seeing its the end of October The garden has been put to bed for the winter. Its a cool damp misty day so I thought I would update  on what type of year it was. So bear with me as I try to do this with pictures. The greenhouse was great as we had many plants and we were able to give some away. Might scale back a little and do a few more flowers though.

  • Onions two varieties long day and storage type. Was pleased with the results.

Carrots tried them before but never had even one come up so tis year I did transplants. Easy way to do them good results. Most likely will try more next year depending on if I have room for them.

Peppers were good this year but late due to all the rain we had on June.Plant turned yellow from lack of oxygen but did recover. Took a lot longer than usual just picking the last two bushels on Sunday before the 1st heavy frost. Planted six varieties twelve each.  Not as sweet as before  due to the weather.Think of cutting back to half that next year, its hard to give the extras away.  Not sure what ones to cut back on. 

Pumpkins were real hard to start. Plant kept rotting in the wet ground. Had to replant several times, but well worth the effort to see the kids pick their own. Naturally they have to do their own.

The garden has been covered with leaves and compost for its winter's nap. Need to add the organic matter so we can produce better next year. Thinking of adding compost right over the leaves and use the no till method. That though is still on the table.
Garlic has been planted for the upcoming season. Had nothing last year as it all rotted. See a few volunteers popping up fro the seed though.

Yes I'm retired but my son keeps me busy. With his recent purchase of fruit trees  he has decided we need an orchard. So when time allows me and Stanley (8N) go into the wood and pull out the dead trees to make oursleves  a nice clearing. Hopefully it will be done sooner than later. Maybe while I'm at it should be a tree stand for future deer harvests. Most likely Oscar will benefit from that. Clara will be all about the apples, pears and peaches. Trees are on site, need to mulch them for the cold winter. 

I guess I have rambled on long enough. The garden was about 60% this year. Too much rain. Potatoes rotted cukes  did poorly but beans were great along with the popcorn. Its still misty outside but the girls want out. Squirrels at the feeders and we can't have that. So I guess they need to do their job and I'll put on some tea water. Chili in the crock pot and just starting to put a nice aroma in the house.Have a wonderful day all and if you want future update can subscribe by email.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


 Its that time of year when your crops seem to produce the heaviest. In the beginning with all the rain in June I thought no chance of a successful season. Beans did overwhelm us. Had to open the garden up to extra pickers. Still a lot were tossed into the compost pile for the animals to eat. Have to pick when ready not when you have time. It was a good crop and the FRENCH FILLETS  were very tasty.On the other side of the garden the CUCUMBERS  came up short. Had enough to eat but the give away was just not there. Onions did good both red and yellow but the POTATOES suffered from the wet ground. CARROTS are still in the ground and the POPCORN looks like its starting to dry. As for  TOMATOES  I can say we did okay but no giveaways there either. Many different varieties so one offset the other. Now for my favorite crop the PEPPERS six varieties six colors. With these warm days and cool nights they seem to do their best. Picked a load of them Monday and made stuffed peppers for the whole family. Quite a chore but well worth my trouble. Looks good all the colors together. Picked today and made salsa and ones just to eat raw.  Only a few PUMPKIN plants but nine nice pumpkins.

 As I figure the garden was 50 percent this year. Kept me busy and I was able to start all my plants in the greenhouse.


A few of my peppers

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Harvest Time

   Despite the month of rain we had the plants are producing slowly. Right now green and yellow beans are doing nicely. Popcorn stalks are over 7 feet tall with most producing 2 ears. Summer squash was okay yellow out producing the green.Onion greens are browning at the tips and falling over. Ready to pull them. Pepper are setting heavy fruit but they still need some time.Lots of green tomatoes. The cucumbers are pulling the netting down and I've already made pickles, rest are just a bonus. Tried  new type of potato and it looks like its doing good so far.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Garden update

 With all the rain I sort of lost hope anything would grow. Plants were small and turning yellow,actually they were being starved of oxygen with all the rain. A couple days of sunshine might have turned the corner for me. The garden is looking like its going to take hold now. A few pictures to show you so you can compare to a week ago.

Lettuce Parsley onions and Dill

Summer squash

Peppers 6 varieties


                                               Green and yellow beans



End view

Monday, June 24, 2013

Slow start to the garden season

 With all the rain and cold weather the garden seems to be sitting in the idle position. With these warm days we are having now, I can only hope the plants start growing. The flowers I planted are do excellent. Come on garden lets grow.

Green beans and tomatoes


Summer squash
Onions carrots and lettuce 



Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Garden Just about in

Been working on the garden the last two weeks. Pumpkins and cantaloupe left to go.The onions have come in great and beans are sprouting. With a little hot weather I should be in good shape. A couple plants didn't make it but I have replacements. Pictures to follow soon.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Finally Spring

  Looks like spring has sprung. Its a loud night with all the spring peepers. The birds are making nest and protecting their eggs. We have one robin at our front door. The grass is green and spring flowers provide us with much color. Was getting real tired of the white stuff. We still need some rain to wash down all the winter mess.

  Had a chance to start some flower and vegetable plants in the greenhouse. Still have 4 flats of seedlings in the shed under heat. Next week they'll go outside.The greenhouse is working out very nicely. I was able to start a different variety of seeds That friends from The Bayou Gardener sent me. Still need to run water and electric out there. 

Soon I'll be tilling up the garden and getting the plants in the ground. Need to get the fence up soon as the woodchuck is all ready back for the season.

 A few pictures of the greenhouse plants. I'll update in a couple of weeks.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Interesting Evening

 Last night about 11:30 p.m. I took the pups out for their last walk. The night was different. Quiet you could hear different sounds if you really listened. The breeze was warm and pine needles were falling from the trees, the ice melting from the roofs and the snow actually melting away. Rosie stealthy walking with here nose in the air, catching every scent possible. As we neared the rear of the yard the owl, her characteristic  cry.  Amazing how we both stood and listened like there was nothing around to disturb  us. 
 This morning lot of the snow was gone and we were both back to reality. As they saying goes a day makes a difference its true. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Welcome to 2013. The sun is out very bright making a pretty snow covered landscape. Yesterday took the snowblower out into the yard and make some walking trails for the dogs and to the greenhouse. Put the new thermometer in and it was in the high 40's. Not too awful much going on outside yet, just keeping up with the snow we have. It snowed last week more than we received all last winter. Hopefully we'll get a January thaw. Then its off to the wood pile to do some cutting and splitting before I get busy with growing transplants. Not to much else going on. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season.  Happy New Year to you all.  A few pictures to put you in the winter season here in central New York.

A nice blue sky to offset the snow
Add captionThe snow has covered the greenhouse awaiting the seedlings.

Add captionThe pups sure love the snow.
Add captionI guess she has her own mountain.